Sunday, February 9, 2014

D.I.Y all the time! Cake Stand

D.I.Y all the time! Cake Stand

3 Foam board
x acto knife or blade
glue gun
food cans (# of cans varies on how tall you want the cake stand)


Step 1: Make your measurements on the foam boards. Biggest board will be 14" the second will be 12" third 9" and fourth 8" in diameter.

 Step 2: Cut out the boards.
 This is how thin they look doesn't look sturdy at all. So i decided to make two of each size and glue them together.
 Then the boards will look like this. Abit sturdier. I just recently used the cake stand and it held up great.
Step 3: Stack up the cake stand, figure out how tall you want the cake stand to stand. One or two cans in each layer.
 Step 4: If you decide to stack up two cans for more height glue two cans together.
 Step 5: Wrap cans in wrapping paper or just plain white paper. All depends on the color combination for your occasion.
 You should have your boards glued together and the food cans wrapped.
 Step 6: Measure and cut the fabric to each board. Then, glue onto board.
 Step 7: If the bottom of your boards come out not so clean like mine. Cut a circle that fits the board and glue onto the board.
 Lastly, stack up the cake stand and your treats and Done!

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