Sunday, February 16, 2014

D.I.Y all the time! Hanging Candles

D.I.Y all the time! Hanging Candles

Lately things just haven't been going my way. I was working on a D.I.Y outside and a gust of wind blew a plate full of paint all over my keyboard FAIL! I KNOW :/ So my laptop has been acting up for the past week. I tried to post earlier but it was impossible to upload any pictures. Then, when i was able to upload pictures the laptop would shut off on its own. I just got too frustrated to post. So please bare with me. I managed to kind of fix my laptop minus a couple keys that popped off while trying to clean up the paint off under them. Again please bare with me i am now saving up for a new laptop. So now lets get started, you will need:

Floral wire
Glue gun
Tea cup candles

Step 1: Cut each floral wire into a 6 inch piece. *Will need two 6 inch pieces per each candle holder.

Step 2: With the pliers bend one end off the wire up. Beginning to form a triangle. Leaving about an inch at the base for the candle.  

 Step 3: Bend the second end of the wire up completing the triangle.


Step 4: Take your pliers and bend the ends of the wire making it into an inward circle. Do to both ends.
For on the second one bend the ends in an outward circle. Do to both ends.


Step 4: Glue both wires together at the middle of the bottom.


Step 6: Take a very long piece of string and insert it through each circle.

Step 6: Double know it to insure the ends tdo not come apart. 
Step 7: Tie top ends of string together as well.

Step 8: Hang and light.


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