Friday, October 4, 2013

D.I.Y all the time! Finger chain Scarf

D.I.Y all the time!

 Finger chain scarf


Fall is in the air... Well not really. Atleast not in all parts of California some cities are still pretty hot out here. It should start cooling down real soon though. Fingers crossed! That being said it's going to be time for sweaters, beanie's and of course scarves. Here is a SUPER QUICK and EASY D.I.Y scarf. Which literally took me 20 min to do each scarf. I know what you may be think, "Geez those are alot of steps". Yeah there are, but each step only takes a few seconds.
1)                                                            2)                                                           3)
I bought two different colored         What you need to first, is take      To do so, you will find                      
yarns' from Walmart , Lion               out one of the ends of yarn.       the end of the yarn in                            
Brand $3.00 each .                                                                          the middle of the roll.                                  

4)                                                            5)                                                           6)

Grab that end piece of             Wrap the yarn around your         Move the first piece of                                  
yarn and wrap it around           once more. (notice the black                yarn you wrapped                                 
your finger.                         dot on second wrap, will make                around your finger.                                         
                                              make things easier to explain).             Over the yarn with the                                  
                                                                                           black dot.                                             
7)                                                            8)                                                            9)

Now, grab the yarn with the    Pull the string tight and it               Hold the loop with one                               
black dot and pull it under      will create a knot. Which                finger. Place a loose piece                        
your finger.                          will then create a loop.                  of yarn on that finger.                        
10)                                                         11)                                                          12)

Bring the loose piece of               Should look like this.                Repeat Step 9 and 10.                                
yarn through the loop.               Creating a chain.                     Bringing yarn through                                  
                                                                                                the new chain you create.                          

13)                                                         14)                                                          15)

Once you get the hang of it. A          You will then have a large         To end the chain,                                     
long chain will begin to form.           pile of a long chain                 continue as if you are                              
                                                                          making another chain    .
16)                                                         17)                                                          18)

Instead, of making another         Pull the string tight and it       Grab both ends of your scarf                         
chain. Pull the end of yarn          will create a knot.                    through the last chain                                                      
19)                                                         20)                                                          21)

Tie, both ends together.                Cut off excess string.                   Should look like this.                              
                                                                             After strings are cut.   

After you've wrapped your very long  scarf  around in circles, many times i might add. You have your brand new scarf!

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