Friday, October 11, 2013

D.I.Y all the time! Mid-Thigh ripped tights

D.I.Y all the time!

Mid-Thigh ripped tights

 I fell in love with these tights the moment i saw a picture of them on Google. So i thought what the heck i have a couple pairs of tights. So i just grabbed a pair of tights, some scissors and chalk and made my own right then and there! Super easy Super cute!!!



What you will need is.
Tights (ANY color)
Chalk                                                                 >>>>>>>
          First: Try on your tights. With your chalk draw lines, mid-thigh.
           Draw a couple of lines on both sides of your thighs. BE SURE NOT TO MAKE THOSE LINES TOO HIGH.
They are called Mid-Thigh for a reason >.<

Second: After drawing a few sample lines, go ahead and change out of your tights and begin to draw the rest of the lines around the tights.

Kind of hard to tell but im showing you the seam of the tights. It's a reminder DO NOT DRAW ON OR CUT THE SEAM.
Doing so will ruin your tights completely.

Tights should look like this when you're done
drawing the lines.

   Third: Begin to cut the lines you drew.
Should look like this once you've cut a few lines.

                                                          >>>>>>>>>>> Then, it should look like this once you are done cutting all the lines around your tights.                              

Fourth: Grab one sting
Fifth: Pull string. (This will roll up the material nice and tight. To make the rips look clean).
Sixth:An easier way to tighten the material is grab them all at once and pull them in the opposite direction.

After all that pulling your tights are done. And should now look this this.

*If a string rips in half you can rip it out completely or just tie it back together in a cute bow for a little something extra.

Word of advice when putting the tights on, is put them on slowly and carefully. Not to stick your toes or whole foot through a hole it will cause the hole to tear even bigger. I almost did that when putting them on. Can you blame me i was so excited to see the end result.

Ohhh, and don't worry about the tights ripping more like when you sit or anything. I was thinking the same thing to myself. "What if when i sit and they rip, or even worse if i have to pick up something from the floor. I'm screwed!" No you're good (: I tested them out. Unless you have really thin tights. Might be a different story with those.


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