Thursday, December 5, 2013

D.I.Y all the time! Little Mermaid Inspired Bow

D.I.Y all the time!

Little Mermaid Inspired Bow

This Bow is a perfect little holiday gift for your Little Mermaid lover or just to make for yourself. I have always loved the Little Mermaid she is my favorite Disney character. So of course i knew that i had to make this Beautiful Big bow. Plus, i might be going to Disneyland soon, fingers-crossed. And yes, i will definitely be wearing this bow. Doesn't matter what else i wear as long as i wear my bow.

What you need: -Ruler - Scissors - Glue Gun -Pencil -yarn - Sewing needle *optional - Hair clip
 - Fabric ( I bought a light blue Satin fabric about 3 yards, which i did not use completely. Satin is shiny on one side and matte on the other side i used the matte side for the bow. If you find the perfect blue in any other fabric that will do as well.)
 The bow is made up of three separate pieces. The first is a big rectangle which is measured 20inx12in. Measure and cut. Put this piece aside.
 The second piece is also another rectangle that measure 18inx7in. Third, piece is a much smaller rectangle that measures 4inx2in.
 Grab your second piece, which is the one that measure 17inx7in. Fold the fabric in half with the open ends facing you. Optional to pin both sides of the rectangle, that is just to hold down the ends when you cut in the next step.

 Cut a diagonal line from the top corner down. Follow the dashes shown in picture. When you are done cutting both ends and you open the fold it will look like a hexagon.

There should now be these three pieces of fabric.
Take the biggest rectangle piece of fabric.* Now here is an optional part. If you want a loose bow that hangs do not add felt or paper, either one works. If you want your bow stiff and to hold up its shape add felt or paper.* So if you want a loose bow just begin to glue the fabric. To do so fold the fabric the "hamburger style" which is width to width and glue together.

 Fold inside out. Seam should look like this.
 If you want a stiff bow. Before folding and gluing the fabric in half. Glue down two piece of paper or felt. Then, fold "hamburger style" and glue the ends together.

 Should now look like this.

 Glue all other open ends together. So all ends should be glued together.
Grab your hexagon shaped fabric. Fold and glue around all sides EXCEPT for about an inch in the middle of the hexagon. Do Not glue that piece because you will need the opening to turn the hexagon inside out. In the photo you can see a line drawn in between my fingers that is indicating where you do not add glue.
All sides are should be glued down again, except for the middle. Begin to turn piece inside out. This will the seams look alot cleaner and sharper.

Grab the smallest rectangle. Just fold in the edges in very slightly and glue them down.
These are the three separate pieces of fabric you should have now.

Take your rectangle and now you will begin to fold and form the bow. To do so grab 1/2 an inch of the top of the rectangle and fold forward (away from you).

Fold another 1/2 an inch, but this time you will fold it back (to you).
Bow should begin to form. Repeat pattern until the entire bow is folded.
Once folded bow should look like this. Hold the center of the bow tightly.
Grab a long piece of yarn and begin to wrap around the center of the bow tightly and tie.
Grab the hexagon piece. Grab the middle of the fabric and begin to fold in the same manor you did to form the bow. Attach to the tied bow and again tightly wrap yarn around both pieces and tie.

The smallest rectangle piece goes on the middle of the bow wrapped tightly.

Hold ends in the back together. You can either glue the small rectangle on and cut of the excess material or sew it on and cut the excess material.   

Done! Enjoy or gift the bow (:

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